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add partial rendering to context.HTML() or add context.HTMLBlock()

Open idc77 opened this issue 7 months ago • 0 comments


context.HTML() has the signature (code int, name string, obj any)

However, with the rise of htmx, partial rendering is desirable. With the current signature of context.HTML this isn't possible.

In an example repo at you can see the index.html having a block and how it's rendered.

So with

		tmpl := template.Must(template.ParseFiles("index.html"))
		tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "film-list-element", Film{Title: title, Director: director})

the block "film-list-element" is rendered with this Film object, and nothing else.

context.HTML is only able to render the whole index.html file, not just the defined block.


Either extend context.HTML or add a new function to context. Maybe context.HTMLBlock or context.Partial?

idc77 avatar Oct 01 '23 16:10 idc77