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Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Results 472 gin issues
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## reproduce ```` func TestBinding(t *testing.T) { type MyRequest struct { Config map[string]string `form:"config" binding:"required"` App int `form:"app" binding:"required"` } r := gin.Default() r.POST("/test", func(c *gin.Context) { var sss MyRequest...

## Description When I try to use `gin.CreateTestContext()`, it create a context that cannot be used to serve http requests. Indeed, it takes a `http.ResponseWriter` as a parameter, which is...

**Description:** This pull request includes improvements to error handling in `mode.go` and `fs.go`: **SetMode** function in `mode.go`: Previously, the **SetMode** function would panic when an unknown mode was provided. This...

If my go version number is 1.9,can I use this it ? And how can I use it ?

because of the "" only support 1.15 and later

## Description I use gin v1.9.1, but sometimes get bad json response cause by bad chunking data,but when I downgrade gin version to v1.8.2,it's ok, I guess it's a bug...

I found #641 which is exactly my issue. This issue is from June 2016. Looks like it's still not supported :cry: As an alternative I think I can use an...

The old is gone and what's left is a link to some documentation, which is absolutely terrible. The old readme could be searched with CTRL+F. The documentation can't.

## Description When using JSON response gin fails to send error response in case json.Marshal fails to encode data and sends 200 response code along with empty response. So the...

## Description How to get all the APIs of each router group in gin? I didn't find the corresponding method.