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I'm getting the "Field validation for 'FieldName' failed on the 'required' tag" error, but the field with the required tag is on a referenced table

Open rickyManalo opened this issue 8 months ago • 5 comments


So I'm testing my edit functionality, when I got the error I mentioned above. IIRC, that feature was already working properly before, but I might have made some changes down the line that broke it. The tables that are relevant to this error has a struct that looks like this:

type ActuatorDeviceInfo struct {
	ID                 string         `gorm:"primarykey; size:40;"`
	DeviceName         string         `json:"device_name"`
	TypeId             string         `gorm:"size:40; index; not null" json:"type_id"`
	Type               ActuatorType   `gorm:"foreignKey:TypeId; constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE" json:"type"`
	Status             bool           `gorm:"default:false; column:statusz"`
	ParentEdgeDeviceId *string        `gorm:"size:40; index; not null" json:"parent_edge_device_id" binding:"required"`
	ParentEdgeDevice   EdgeDeviceInfo `gorm:"foreignKey:ParentEdgeDeviceId; constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE" json:"parent_edge_device"`

type EdgeDeviceInfo struct {
	ID          string  `gorm:"primarykey; size:40;"`
	Name        *string `gorm:"not null" binding:"required" json:"name"`
	Description string  `json:"description"`
	Status      bool    `gorm:"default:false; column:statusz"`
	APIKey      string  `json:"api_key"`
	Passcode    string  `gorm:"default:0000"`

The field that is getting mentioned in the error is EdgeDeviceInfo's Name field, and the error is thrown by a call to *gin.Context.ShouldBind(). Which I call like this:

var actuator_device_info models.ActuatorDeviceInfo
err := ctx.ShouldBind(&actuator_device_info)
if err != nil {
	ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
		"error2": err.Error(),

I already saw this issue that's why I also added a pointer and binding:required to ParentEdgeDeviceId, but it didn't work. Why does gin need to check the fields of the referenced table?


  • go version: go version go1.20.4 windows/amd64
  • gin version (or commit ref): v1.7.7
  • operating system: Windows 10 64bit

rickyManalo avatar Sep 20 '23 03:09 rickyManalo