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How get dynamic url from browser

Open Tomelin opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

I am public the frontend with golang+gin and have the load balancer (ingress). The ingress is redirect the request from the browser URL path from URL/web to /.

I would like set in my static files with path URL/web but when set using these parameters below the GIN does not unknow the /web only know / and not working

func GinStartApplication() {

	router.Use(static.Serve("/css", static.LocalFile("./html/assets/css", true)))
	router.Use(static.Serve("/js", static.LocalFile("./html/assets/js", true)))
	router.Use(static.Serve("/images", static.LocalFile("./html/assets/img", true)))
	router.Use(static.Serve("/pdf", static.LocalFile("./html/assets/pdf", true)))

How can I set static files from the URL of the browser?

Versions: go version go1.17.4 linux/amd64 v1.7.7

Tomelin avatar Apr 08 '22 11:04 Tomelin

you should use /web url everywhere.

	router.Use(static.Serve("/web/css", static.LocalFile("./html/assets/css", true)))
	router.Use(static.Serve("/web/js", static.LocalFile("./html/assets/js", true)))
	router.Use(static.Serve("/web/images", static.LocalFile("./html/assets/img", true)))
	router.Use(static.Serve("/web/pdf", static.LocalFile("./html/assets/pdf", true)))

Gasoid avatar Aug 09 '22 15:08 Gasoid