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compiler: Allow global mutation in jsx props

Open josephsavona opened this issue 1 month ago • 3 comments

Stack from ghstack (oldest at bottom):

  • #29592
  • -> #29591

Fixes #29106 and

The issue is that if you pass a global-modifying function as prop to JSX, we currently report that it's invalid to modify a global during rendering. The problem is that we don't really know when/if the child component will actually call that function prop. It would be against the rules to call the function during render, but it's totally fine to call it during an event handler or from a useEffect.

Since we don't know at the call-site how the child will use the function, we should allow such calls. In the future we could improve this in a few ways:

  • For all functions that modify globals, codegen an assertion or warning into the function that fires if it's called "during render". We'd have to precisely define what "during render" is, but this would at least help developers catch this dynamically.
  • Use the type system to distinguish "event/effect" and "render" functions to help developers avoid accidentally mutating globals during render.

josephsavona avatar May 25 '24 20:05 josephsavona