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Results 827 react issues
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So as Azerbaijan invaded Armenia on the night of September 13th, is it possible to add a banner for Support Armenia on the home page? That would help us spread...

React version: 17.0.1 ## Steps To Reproduce Here I use a while loop to simulate a long task.When I click on the div, the animation stops ```jsx import React from...

Status: Unconfirmed

## Summary java print some output to stderr, caused wrong error detect ```console -- PLUGIN_ERROR (scripts/rollup/plugins/closure-plugin) -- Error: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx3489m at /workspace/react/scripts/rollup/plugins/closure-plugin.js:16:16 at ChildProcess. (/workspace/react/node_modules/google-closure-compiler/lib/node/closure-compiler.js:103:9) at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)...

CLA Signed

### Website or app ### Repro steps When using React DevTools on **Firefox 104.0.1 (64-bit)** on **Linux (Fedora 36 with Gnome Desktop 42)** the key labels on the right...

Type: Bug
Status: Unconfirmed
Component: Developer Tools

**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?** I'm guessing it's a bug. **What is the current behavior?** The following source code, ```jsx ``` , is being...

Component: Server Rendering
Type: Needs Investigation

## Summary Supporting eslint's new config system of eslint. Note that the legacy config system always has `require()`d plugins and sharable configs, while the new system is ESM. Thus [conditional...

CLA Signed

This moves the Flight Client's to use Chunks that mimick a variant of Promises instead of relying on throwing Promises. It still throws Promises in the bounds (readRoot and the...

CLA Signed

It is now requested by default using you use it a lot, you will leave a lot of new tabs. ### Config ### **This problem can be avoided...

Type: Feature Request
Component: Developer Tools

## Summary Alternate to I needed a CI build to test the published package ## How did you test this change? - [x] CI - [x] Testing all entrypoints...

CLA Signed

- `~/.yarn/cache` is now restored from an hierarchical cache key, if no precise match is found, we fallback to less precise ones. - The yarn install in `fixtures/dom` is also...

CLA Signed