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[DevTools Bug] Children cannot be added or removed during a reorder operation.

Open HamaydaGabsi opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Website or app

Repro steps

  1. Select a palette
  2. Select to color to view shades
  3. Go back to the colors with the navigation arrow

How often does this bug happen?

Every time

DevTools package (automated)


DevTools version (automated)


Error message (automated)

Children cannot be added or removed during a reorder operation.

Error call stack (automated)

at chrome-extension://fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi/build/main.js:26848:41
    at bridge_Bridge.emit (chrome-extension://fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi/build/main.js:24626:22)
    at chrome-extension://fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi/build/main.js:24795:14
    at listener (chrome-extension://fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi/build/main.js:54959:39)

Error component stack (automated)

No response

GitHub query string (automated) cannot be added or removed during a reorder operation. in:title is:issue is:open is:public label:"Component: Developer Tools" repo:facebook/react

HamaydaGabsi avatar Jul 29 '22 12:07 HamaydaGabsi

Hey! I tried to test out your project, but I only see the create react app logo. image

could you upload a version of your app on github or codesandbox so we can debug further? Thanks!

lunaruan avatar Jul 29 '22 16:07 lunaruan

Is your app something that resembles this? --->github:

hanswang123456 avatar Aug 06 '22 01:08 hanswang123456

I've runned into the same issue recently and mine was caused by duplicate keys when mapping a list of items into renders function. Fixed the issue by update keys to use unique identifier.

j56xie avatar Sep 14 '22 17:09 j56xie

Just had this pop on our codebase while refactoring some old code. This seems to be an issue with rendering sub-components with duplicate keys in the devtools. I've uploaded an MRE here:

The way to trigger the error is to flip the <Item/> component's key prop value from key to value. This should trigger the error, and the button on the page automates this process.

After re-reading I realized my naming was probably confusing. To trigger the specific error, the keys need to go from duplicate to non-duplicate while the devtools are open.

MidnightTinge avatar Sep 21 '22 22:09 MidnightTinge

I had the same issue and it was because I had multiple list item with the same key value, so during the update it was behaving incorrectly and throwing this error.

hrasekh avatar Jan 03 '23 18:01 hrasekh

I also had the same issue i fixed it by giving unique id to key .

navneetMukrah avatar Apr 15 '23 17:04 navneetMukrah

unique id is the solution, just fix mine now

ChichebeDarlington avatar Jun 02 '23 17:06 ChichebeDarlington

I've runned into the same issue recently and mine was caused by duplicate keys when mapping a list of items into renders function. Fixed the issue by update keys to use unique identifier. This is the solution

HamaydaGabsi avatar Jun 03 '23 03:06 HamaydaGabsi

not having duplicate keys is react 101 (and an easy mistake to make, I still oppsie that one myself sometimes while prototyping 😁) so while it may mask the underlying issue, this is technically not resolved until devtools specifically don't report it as a problem. this doesn't appear to be anywhere on the team's radar, but the ticket should probably stay open until that happens

MidnightTinge avatar Jun 03 '23 03:06 MidnightTinge