
Results 53 comments of edroaldo

Hi @VPetukhov, Thanks for developing dropEst! I used to process my inDrop V3 data using this pipeline https://github.com/indrops/indrops but I am facing some issues regarding how I can process my...

Thank you for your great answer! Just to make sure I understand this correctly. When I use bcl2fastq I get 16 fastq files (L001-L004 and R1-R4). Did you merge your...

Got it! Thank you so much! On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 4:49 PM chlee-tabin wrote: > @edroaldo Honestly, I trimmed the script > for clarity, but essentially I copy...

Thanks for using CellRouter! Can you please show me: intestinal_organoids_corrected_metadata[1:5,] cellrouter@sampTab[1:5,] cellrouter@ndata[1:5,1:5] I am trying to figure it out how your data look like. Thanks a lot! On Fri, Mar...

Sorry for the late reply. Things look OK. Not sure what it is happening. In the cellrouter tutorial, there is an example of how to do this. Also, I did...

Sorry for my delayed response. I am working on an implementation for this. will send you ASAP. Thanks! Em seg, 4 de mar de 2019 às 16:58, hgb1111 escreveu: >...

My apologies but not yet. I should be able to start focusing on this the end of this month. Thanks! On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 12:29 PM hgb1111 wrote:...

Sorry for my delayed response. Can you please provide me some more code to better track your issue? Did you successfully generated the plot from the plotKNN function? I suspect...

Thanks for using CellRouter! This is very easy with CellRouter. You can use the addInfo function to include n cellrouter@sampTab your seurat clusters and then use the corresponding column for...

You need to make sure that the dimensions of the raw data after creating the cellrouter object and the dimensions of the metadata table from seurat are the same. Please,...