Dominik G.

Results 155 comments of Dominik G.

there are rudimentary examples with and without testing-library-svelte in I think adding testing-library for component tests is a better suggestion than everyone coming up with their own set of...

I don't recommend using vite.config.ts . The way vite creates a temporary vite.config.hash.js isn't great imho.

If we suggest colocating test files, there should be documentation about how to handle + prefixed files. See

I think using separate translation keys instead of the primary language string is both more stable and flexible. It allows for namespacing and translation of generated keys, and should make...

Until vite can pre-bundle svelte libraries it's best to use deep imports to avoid paying the tax of loading all exported svelte components. Icon libraries are usually the worst in...

@bluwy didn't we discuss something like that before? Main problem i see is that a generic preprocess-use-deep-import would have to resolve the intended target on the spot, following multiple reexports...

SvelteKit currently has prebundleSvelteLibraries forcefully enabled via inline config to vite-plugin-svelte. We are still working on enabling it by default in vite-plugin-svelte, which should happen in it's next feature release....

playwright also has a github reporter that uses `::notice` and there is also error reporting that parses log lines. see for an example where the run overview has additional...

This is not only about transferred bytes but also about rendering on the client. There is a tradeoff to be made between inlining the same svg multiple times or just...

> Note that as a workaround, one can do something like this in `.ncurc.js`: > > ```js > module.exports = { > // Whitelist all for checking besides `peer`: >...