Dylan T.

Results 460 comments of Dylan T.

um... this issue isn't about the API.

It's also started throwing out these errors for no obvious reason: ``` dylan-work@DYLANS-XPS-17 MINGW64 ~/documents/projects/pocketmine-mp/next-major (next-major | *|u=) $ vendor/bin/phpstan Note: Using configuration file C:\Users\dylan-work\documents\projects\pocketmine-mp\next-major\phpstan.neon. Invalid configuration: Unexpected item 'parameters ...

I feel like there is some kind of crosstalk between different versions of PHPStan here ... I do have multiple PhpStorm projects open with different versions of PHPStan and strict-rules...

My observation is that having two PhpStorm projects open running different versions of PHPStan is usually enough to trigger it. Maybe it would be a good idea to use a...

I don't feel like the result cache is the problem. The issue generally occurs when PhpStorm is analysing projects with different filesystem locations. Unless the result cache hash is derived...

On closer investigation, some cases wouldn't be reported even if this issue was fixed, because PHPStan doesn't infer the possibility of float, like in this sample: https://phpstan.org/r/dd85164f-3a3d-4716-b82c-bcf2bb085d0a https://3v4l.org/ogjGC#v8.1.9

~The xsd in the repo also doesn't seem to be up to date, so I have PhpStorm screaming at me when I try to add source paths.~ Never mind! seems...

> At least it now points to https://github.com/phpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/blob/master/data/xsd/phpdoc.xsd. I still get a 404.