Dave Rupert

Results 93 comments of Dave Rupert

What I mean by "Element Extensions" are elements that function like existing elements (e.g. `` but add enhancements like relative time). Some of them either wrap, extend, or emulate the...

Thanks for bringing this up. I'll try to summarize how I differentiate. 1. I want to promote elements that people can start using with only a `` tag and possibly...

> What is the purpose of that? @justinfagnani My thinking here is that library or framework dependencies take away from the "standalone" nature. If the door is open too wide...

> And there's really nothing wrong with having lit, stencil, and vaadin, on the same page. Do I need to bring Alex Russell into this conversation? 😂 > I see...

You should go ahead and take a stab at it. It's probably not a priority for us right now.

My inclination is that this would be better for v2. Right now if we launched this ability, got people using it, it'd basically break on the next upgrade. That probably...

For right now, single-code and global-code are already global and page specific (or at least they should be). I'm not sure we want to get agro and break backwards compat...

I can add a multiple background to the test suite. I'm just about to make a push here. It typically matches a: ``` background(-image): url(pathtoimage1.jpg), url(pathtoimage2.jpg); ``` Pattern. Should be...

I'll build out our test suite (_ahem_ example.html _ahem_) a little more and add the full CSS3Please syntax. I'm less concerned with supporting `-ms-filter`, but we'll see. We could probably...