Dave Rupert

Results 96 comments of Dave Rupert

Here's a list of all the selectors by CSS version http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#selectors Quite a bit of regex going on... but I think we tackle each selector one by one. I'll maybe...

@RobinBertilsson I realize you posted this quite awhile ago. But could you post a CodePen or something that demonstrates the problem? Or are you just saying it'd be good to...

Wow. Looks fun! I'll have to download it and put it through its paces to see if it's what I think should become the standard. That might take a while...

Hey! Just wanted to say I like this. Might be a bit before I have time to pull the branch, QA it and merge it all in. But this is...

Hey thanks for contributing! What's the usecase for this? That callback could get called thousands of times `onresize`.

Ah. I think I sorta understand. Might be kinda niche to your implementation. The need for a callback hasn't come up much in the last 5yrs. Do you have a...

Cool. Can you provide a jsbin or something to demonstrate your use case?

Totally seeing the need here. Great use case, Tim. It looks like @mattwiebe's solution would work. It's by far the easiest to understand from a designer perspective. Proof-of-concept-wise, were you...

Circling around to this 2 years later. Sorry. :crying_cat_face: It maybe makes more sense to use `window.matchMedia()` in favor of querying min/max width from the `window` on resize. But then...

Sooo.... something like: ``` javascript var resizer = function(){ if(window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia( settings.mediaQuery ).matches) { // do stuff } else { // DESTROoOOOY! } }); ``` If we keep support...