Dave Rupert

Results 96 comments of Dave Rupert

Is this happening just on Vimeo? I think that black border thing is happening at the Flash Video level (Vimeo side of things), not something we can control. If you...

It's due to an old IE style insertion bug. May be changed up in FitVids 2.0

> without inserting this styles, everything works fine for me. If you don't insert the `cssStyles` then FitVids shouldn't work at all. Do you have a reduced test case (on...

> I don't really care for < IE9 Unfortunately not an option for us. Check this file: http://cl.ly/code/2n041I0a3t12 If this looks good, we can roll out a new style insertion...

Unable to replicate regression in Chrome 35 (Dev & Canary). Can you please document bug reproduction steps? **Browser (Version):** **OS:** **URLs to reduced test case:** **FitVids Version:** **Other browsers tested...

Introducing browser sniffing just to solve for a faulty version of Chrome (33) is an unfortunate reality.  I'm trying to think how it'd all work if we had 2 sub-functions...

**Update:** Cannot replicate the regression on Chrome 33.0.1750.117 (latest?) with the latest FitVids 1.1.0 (attached) nor the example @asadkn posted with FitVids 1.0.3. Maybe I'm having bad luck today. Or...

@m0hamm4dElmi Looks like you don't have jQuery. That's what I'd guess if `$.fn` is not defined.

@m0hamm4dElmi Can I get some steps to reproduce this? Totally understandable if you've moved on over the past year 😉