Dave Rupert

Results 96 comments of Dave Rupert

For me, I think the "slot hoisting" is weird and/or counterintuitive. I also wonder what happens when I need 10x `` on the page. Do I provide 10x styles and...

@justinfagnani I'm probably not describing it well, but the Light DOM getting consumed by a sibling element (getting "hoisted up" into the slot) was somewhat confusing. I know the sibling...

Hey, I've been mulling this around. In general I like the `spanning` queries the way they are, but `display-span-x|y: ` is fine as well. The potential future for asymmetrical displays...

Allowing complex selectors inside `::slotted()` would go a long way. Any assemblies that require a combination of nested elements would benefit from this. ```html Style me differently after fancy-table is...

@idorenyinudoh, this is awesome! 🙌 I was without power last week and am just now seeing it. Implementing the Media Session API has been on my TODO list ever since...

@Matsuuu This looks great! If you want to PR against this branch, I can merge in. @Westbrook Thanks for the feedback. I ❤️ the spritesheet slot idea. I'm going to...

@Angel21PC I got around the `import` error last night by adding a line to my `jest.config.js`. ``` module.exports = { testEnvironment: 'jsdom', ... ``` That was okay, I was able...

+1 to this. I wrote about "[perceived velocity through version numbers](https://daverupert.com/2019/04/perceived-velocity/)" awhile back and came to the same conclusion that versioning would be helpful. It's indicative to me that CSS,...

Howdy everyone! Sorry for showing up to a thread two year late but I was recently asked about translations and have put a tiny bit of thought into it this...

@pkra Nope! Should be fine. I'll ping this thread when I have something to look at.