Dave Rupert

Results 96 comments of Dave Rupert

Okay. No worries. I'll see if I can get it running soon and find a fix. May take a few days/weeks to sort it out tho.  On Sat, Oct 17,...

Thanks @ericwbailey for all your work. a11yproject has become something great under your guidance and maintainership. 💜 I'm happy to step in as interim maintainer. I'll follow up here as...

That's unfortunate :frowning: I suppose we could try some kind of hack where we inject a button and trigger a click (only for iOS), but that seems unfortunate. This will...

Thanks for this Abby. Some questions. It doesn't look like you're leveraging `.total-chars|words|lines-` in your reduced test case. What's the use case for adding this feature? Couldn't it be done...

Possibly. It doesn't work on iOS either. I know they've disabled it entirely. A few possible explanations - Perhaps auto-seeking audio is simply disabled in most mobile browsers at this...

Does your fix in #14 solve it? I can merge that in if you can confirm a fix there.