Dean Attali

Results 328 comments of Dean Attali

It would really help to know what the rereqs or output is because I was able to run the program but I'm not sure if it ran successfully or not....

I completely understand this isn't a polished product. I wasn't asking for logging, I asked for instructions in the README for how to run the script and what the expected...

Was wrapping each input in its namespace the only thing required to do?

In that case I would prefer to mention in the README that the input names need to be wrapped in the namespace function if used in a module, but the...

Yes, a new version is definitely due. I just spent this past weekend upgrading another project of mine, I'll try to release this next time I find a free day

I recently went through many issues and pull requests and made a lot of changes to prepare for new release

I think what you describe in the first paragraph is a similar idea to what I have in the code in some places, it just needs to be abstracted/generalized better...

Do these also take care of site.baseurl? Is it correct that the last example you have has :// after the image path?

@OCram85 feel free to continue the work on this if you find some free time. Your other contributions are much appreciated!

This is indeed something that's been requested previously, and is a very old and common HTML problem. If you do find a good clean simple solution that doesn't cause any...