Dean Attali

Results 149 issues of Dean Attali

Thanks again for providing this I've never used C# but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to run your script. The only thing I'm unsure about is...

There are several places in the codebase that accept a path/URL. For example: the links in the navbar (defined in the config file), the "bigimg" and "image" YAML parameters, the...

help wanted

Due to Travis's end of a free tier

I ran across a link today on stackoverflow that linked to an old version of the book at The top of the page says > You’re reading the first...

First of all, thanks for the clear instructions! Now that we have GitHub Actions as a CI service, the next logical step after reading your instructions is to integrate this...

Sample code to reproduce using latest dev version of shiny: ``` library(shiny) ui

Type: Regression

Currently, when an input is removed using `removeUI()`, its UI is deleted from the DOM but the input still lives from the server's perspective. It would be great if it...

Type: Enhancement :bulb:

In this line an ID attribute is generated automatically. This results in a very real possibility of ending up with duplicate IDs. Example: ``` h2( id = "name-label", "Student...

As far as I know, there is no way to remove a value from a reactiveValues list. Unlike a regular list, when setting a value to NULL, it still prints...

Difficulty: Advanced
Effort: Medium
Priority: Low
Type: Enhancement :bulb:
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