Dean Attali

Results 346 comments of Dean Attali

I do think this would be very useful. Seems to be a commonly googled question.

I opened a new issue #1642 since this is closed

Very valid quesstions. The next time I find a usecase where I need this feature, it would be easy for me to answer. Hopefully others who want this can chime...

Another vote for this (I came here from #514 because it doesn't make sense that including files inside my `` tag end up being less indented than the parent tag)

I'm not sure if what you're seeing is wrong. My initial reaction is that it's correct. You might want to print out `JSON.stringify(x)`?

@drzamich if you don't have any more thoughts on this, I'd like to close the issue

I just spent over an hour trying to figure out the problem, but I still don't understand why FF is behaving differently. It seems like when FF doesn't recognize that...

Another one of those dumb mistakes because I didn't imagine anybody would ever use this package. Not as bad as making a `show()` function that collides with S4 though :)...

there's actually a PR in shiny for this

I won't be fixing it as of yet because I want to see if shiny will incorporate it