Dean Attali

Results 346 comments of Dean Attali

It seems this is a slightly more general problem than what I originally reported. I believe that if a `DT::datatable()` gets rendered with a `filter` parameter, then any select inputs...

For anyone looking for a workaround until this gets implemented, my solution meanwhile it to set the value of any removed inputs to `NULL` using javascript, with `Shiny.onInputChange("input", 'null')`

Regarding 1: I'm not associated with the shiny team so this isn't official, but from my understanding it's not possible to have shiny javascript code be synchronous. It would be...

@hragbalian what your code is doing is creating a list and removing a value from a list. It's nested inside reactiveValues. In a regular list, giving an element a `NULL`...

~~@jcheng5 @alandipert it seems like shiny has undergone some internal refactoring and now my hacky solution doesn't work (yep, that's why we never use undocumented "API"!)~~ ~~I found that the...

Thanks for reporting @TheTechRobo and thanks for chiming in @zekefarwell It's a good point that dark mode didn't exist before so technically it is a scope expansion, but I'm not...

Looks like it can be simpler than that, the html node has an attribute `data-color-mode="dark"`

Ah very good point thank you! On Sat., Dec. 12, 2020, 17:53 Viktor Szépe, wrote: > In @primer/css/core > > GitHub has @media (prefers-color-scheme:light){ ... } > > — >...

I was considering this initially (see here but it looked like it wasn't going to be worth the time investment as most people didn't want that. I'd be happy...