Dean Attali

Results 346 comments of Dean Attali had a potential fix to this. Should look into it again when there is some time

There has not been any important updates on this. If anyone wants to try to fix it I'd be happy to incorporate a PR. There was previously a PR but...

Instead of going to scss, which would be a huge structural change, perhaps a happy middle ground is introducing some css variables. Unfortunately IE11 doesn't support them, so this will...

Will consider it only after GitHub Pages upgrades to that version. The primary goal of the theme is to be used with GitHub Pages so I try not to steer...

Is there anything that isn't working with the current theme when using jekyll 4+? I looked at the official [3 to 4 migration guide]( and it looks like everything should...

This theme supports whatever Jekyll version is used by GitHub Pages. When they upgrade to a new Jekyll version, I will do all the necessary testing and work to update... seems to be a working site, it just seems to be using a completely different theme

Unifying sounds like a good idea! As long as users can still specify both common files that are used on all pages, and specific files that are used on individual...

@VincentTam I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but you **can** use some templating in CSS, see here for example:

@abelcheung I personally think that leaving main.css untouched and users adding their own css files is the cleaner solution, from a similar reason to what you said. That's why I...