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Viral genomics analysis pipelines

Results 64 viral-ngs issues
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add `bbmap.BBMapTool().dedup_clumpify()`, along with unit tests; pass `JVMmemory` to bbmap and clumpify; add `rmdup_clumpify_bam` to ``; change `TestRmdupUnaligned `unit tests for bbmap to use ``; add `dedup_bam` WDL task to...

To address, this adds a new command, `krakenuniq_report_filter`, to ``: ``` usage: subcommand krakenuniq_report_filter [-h] [--fieldToFilterOn {num_reads,uniq_kmers}] [--fieldToAdjust {num_reads,uniq_kmers} [{num_reads,uniq_kmers} ...]] [--keepAboveN KEEP_THRESHOLD] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL,EXCEPTION}] [--version] [--tmp_dir TMP_DIR]...

Hi, do you have any tutorial and jupyter notebook which describe step by step viral metagenomics using viral-ngs it would be great if you share it with me Regards

The old mvicuna post-processing code expects read IDs to have a `/1` mate suffix, and only includes those that do, which single-end reads do not have (nor interleaved fastqs, but...

When determining GATK version (e.g. for choosing version-specific switches), base it on the actual GATK jar, rather than on tools.gatk.TOOL_VERSION_TUPLE . Fix how GATK jar is extracted in refine_2x_and_plot task....

The command line function `fastq_to_bam` exists as part of ``, however it is not currently exposed via WDL. A task to call the function should be added to `tasks_read_utils.wdl` and...

Zstd has a nonstandard python api which requires customization. Also allows for multithreading compression.