agn-gazebo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
agn-gazebo copied to clipboard

Several Gazebo models in order to person detection using 3D LiDAR, Pioneer P3DX and maze map for rescue robot exploration which is compatible with ROS.

Compatible Versions:

  • ROS: Kinetic
  • OS: Ubuntu-16.04
  • Gazebo 7.0



Clone this project on your ROS workspace, then run the command below:

~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make

Person LiDAR Gazebo model

A Gazebo model in order to person detection purpose in an outdoor location using 3D LiDAR Velodyne which is compatible to ROS.


Launch its launch files:

  • Fixed persons:

    roslaunch agn_gazebo static_velodyne.launch
  • Animated persons:

    roslaunch agn_gazebo animated_person.launch
    roslaunch agn_gazebo movement.launch
  • To store the persons position in .csv files run the command below:

    roslaunch agn_gazebo groundtruth.launch

Gazebo: default_gzclient_camera(1)-2019-05-23T15_06_12 310211


Pioneer P3DX Gazebo model

A Gazebo model in order to wall-following and go-to algorithms purpose like the Bug navigation algorithm


Launch its launch file:

roslaunch agn_gazebo pioneer.launch

default_gzclient_camera(1)-2019-05-30T15_22_49 379103

Rescue robot exploration Gazebo model

A Gazebo model in order to prepare an environment for a rescue robot on Exploration task in a ramped maze map.


Launch its launch file:

roslaunch agn_gazebo rescue.launch

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