Zachary Sailer

Results 127 comments of Zachary Sailer

Thanks, @minrk! We'll review this in Wednesday's notebook meeting. 😎

> Also, didn't the CalPoly interns look into overriding the markdown editor? Yep—they replace the markdown cell with a prosemirror editor [here](

@dlqqq this is covered in the checklist above in #13068. 😎 Once the 3.5.x branch is created, we can backport the PR to the 3.5.x branch and enable JS 2.0...

> A new client doesn't have to wait for its kernel_info request to be serviced to get some status messages on IOPub: if a client arrives while a bunch of...

Thanks, Min! I'm going to remain inactive at this time, but I'm proud of this team and all the great work y'all are doing! ❤️

[I commented in nbclassic's PR already, but...]( What if notebook_shim owned these entry-points, and we removed the entrypoints from both nbclassic and notebook

> But they may read the configuration from different source (jupyter_***, so in some scenario the user may be surprised. I don't think this is true, since we hardcoded the...

New idea. Here's a new library that would "own" the entrypoints from notebook: This would require us to change notebook v6, v7, and nbclassic to remove their entrypoints and...

Thanks @detly. This is solved in JupyterLab and will be solved in the future Notebook v7 release. For more information about this new release, checkout the [Notebook v7 Enhancement Proposal](

That's wonderful news. I'm happy to hear that you successfully landed a talk. Congrats! Right now, I'm planning to be at SciPy, but still working out my travel calender. I'd...