Zachary Sailer

Results 127 comments of Zachary Sailer

@harmsm and @jharman25

Awesome! This looks good. I'm testing it now and will leave comments if I see things that need fixing.

One general comment about coding style: I typically use a "lowercase and underscore" convention when naming instance variables, functions, and methods (except in the unusual scenario where a function is...

> It might be nice to be able to name the alignments instead of having each alignment be multiindexed by a number but maybe that's not a huge issue. I...

I think this is a great idea. I have to give the Cal Poly interns a tour of traitlets anytime they want to work on the Python side of the...

This sounds great, y'all. I'm on board and happy to help with this effort. Maybe we could arrange a documentation sprint? *I should also say, traitlets offers necessary functionality that...

Welcome, @IvanaH8! I look forward to working with you!

Previous comments from JEP #28 > @mpacer : I think what we should do is make a change to JupyterApp from jupyter_core that allows us to declare additional configuration file...

*Leaving this here.* [HashFS]( can be used if we want to use a content-addressable storage approach.

I agree with @choldgraf. I think this proposal is great and would love to help push it forward (thanks to everyone who contributed to its conception). I'd even like to...