Zachary Sailer

Results 127 comments of Zachary Sailer

We've got an issue reported in Jupyter Server that appears related here: JupyterLab opens multiple websocket connections when connecting to the first notebook—reproducible in JupyterLab 3.4.x, 3.5.x, 3.6.x, and...

Hi @CharlesAverill :wave:—Zach from the @jupyter/software-steering-council here. We're working through old JEPs and closing proposals that are no longer active or may not be relevant anymore. Under Jupyter's new governance...

> 1. How exactly do we "filter" the fields? 2 options being discussed are > - Set the property to `null`, equivalent to removing the data and keep the key...

Sounds good. We can always offer tooling (i.e. some helpful functions) inside jupyter/telemetry (in a later PR) to help process emitted events.

I propose we move this to a voting phase. This has been open for nearly a year, so I think we can safely close the comment period. Now that the...

Hi @Carreau or @minrk, do you mind taking a look at these proposed solutions?

You cannot decouple the base_url and static_prefix using jupyter's config system, unfortunately. You can, however, create a server extension that appends this endpoint to Notebook's web application and serves static...

Hey folks, I think we should pause voting here temporarily— I think the voting pattern on this JEP presents an interesting problem we haven't faced before; we should use this...

> Hi @randomir, this seems like a reasonable change to me. @afshin, since you made the original change, do you agree? This looks right to me. @randomir do you want...

Great! thanks @randomir! Let me know if you need any help or have any questions around our unit tests.