Zachary Sailer

Results 127 comments of Zachary Sailer

Fantastic! I'd be happy to help! If development would go faster through you, I don't mind doing code-review and branching off your work. Whatever works best for you! Otherwise, I'd...

Sounds good! Ping me when you have the basic hooks in place. I'll work on the JSON format and post some ideas here.

Awesome, thanks for getting that in place! I've forked the `d3writer` branch and should get some time to work on it today/tomorrow.

Hi @jeetsukumaran Sorry for the long delay on this. The summer proved to be a busy time for me. But I was able work on this idea yesterday. I've even...

Yes, I definitely agree that we aren't trying to create a new data format (haha). I'm just surprised that there isn't a defined "tree" grammar for JSON format already out...

Also, in the interest of making a general JSON format that is portable, would a `JsonReader` class make sense as well? Or do you think this is outside the scope...

Hey! @jeetsukumaran I wanted to mention a new project I've been working on here. [PhyloVega]( is a Python package that uses Vega's (JSON) specifications to draw interactive trees. While writing...

You're right. We should probably catch+hide this warning. Some people might be interested in drawing a network with no edges.

Hi Paul, sorry for the delayed reply here. I'm catching up on issues here... It looks like we'll need to add a new feature to handle MultiGraph objects. Would you...

@RMKD go for it! I'm happy to review the PR. Thanks!