
Results 254 comments of Yamakaky

Is someone working on this ? The more we wait, the more difficult it will be to change the default.

I'm thinking: can't we modify `error_chain!` to use `derive-error-chain` in the background? That way we would have more code in common.

What do you think @brson?

I added a `sed -i -re 's/#Color/Color/' /etc/pacman.conf`, it does the trick.

I assume that means a release per day? I would like to have a permanent Nightly release based on master that contains the latest binaries.

But then only you can see drafts I think?

In the mean time, I think we could use https://docs.rs/smol as a hidapi async wrapper. The only thing we would need would be to make HidDevice AsRawFd (on linux at...

Seems to be a problem with the `.gitignore` handling. With an empty crate generated with `cargo new`, it says there isn't "any file matching the criteria". If I remove the...

I did that using both xorg config in https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Mouse_acceleration#Disabling_mouse_acceleration + disabling mouse acceleration on windows

I also tried with two other mouses, same result.