
Results 254 comments of Yamakaky

Sorry, wrong phrasing: I didn't meant to include spirv-llvm in rspirv, I meant to add a spirv-llvm IR converter to rspirv ^^ I'm motivated to work on it, since I'll...

As I see it, we can either do a direct `mr::Module` -> LLVM IR transformation, or first transform `mr::Module` to a tree IR and then convert it to LLVM's one....

In fact, there are a lot of things I don't have to check. See https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0/html/vkspec.html#shader-modules, "Valid Usage" section. There are layers (provided by khronos) that verify the correct usage of...

I'm starting with the types.

The driver don't have to verify it because you can enable validation layers during testing. See https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers/blob/master/loader/LoaderAndLayerInterface.md#layer-library-interface.

Fun fact: we also can do a validation layer around rspirv ;) Like the object lifetime layer, it could keep track of dynamic information. Indeed, that would be a nice...

I don't really the use case for `inherit`? As a start, manual qgroup assignation would be enough I think. I would be very interested for that, I can help in...

Is no one else having this issue? Without the version pin, this completely breaks the grpc for me. As a quick fix, is there a downside to changing the version...

In fact, it could apply to all the network administration features, like the `ip` command.

I'm working on https://github.com/Yamakaky/tun-rs and https://github.com/Yamakaky/rvpn. Maybe we should merge run-ts into pnet?