
Results 254 comments of Yamakaky

Seems hard to do, cf https://github.com/greatscottgadgets/ubertooth/issues/433#issuecomment-754150425

Wow, very interesting! What setup do you have then? One bluetooth only?

OMG it works!!! I don't have time to work on that right now, but expect news from me next week!

I captured some traces here: https://github.com/Yamakaky/joy/tree/master/trace

NFC: haven't tried it yet, though my software handles the IR camera. I need to get some NFC tags, put amibo data and import it in a game. Wireshark: I...

Do you know an easy way to generate IR traffic? There are very few games that use it, and I can't find a way to use the heartrate feature in...

Well, normal gameplay works fine, but the capture script crashes in loop when using the IR for heart pulse measuring XD

OK, so with a bigger size it still crashes, but a lot less. I managed to capture the pulse measuring: https://github.com/Yamakaky/joy/blob/master/trace/ringfit-session-with-ir.log

I made some progress following https://github.com/dekuNukem/Nintendo_Switch_Reverse_Engineering/issues/98. After configuration, the ringcon flex is sent instead of the accelerometer in the third IMU packet in the standard input report. The gyro and...