
Results 254 comments of Yamakaky

Why not an abstraction layer, like an orm ? You could then use whatever SQL database you want.

Your "market target" seems to be a personal use so I think SQLite is fine.

For now, the config file needs to be in the same directory than the binary, so it should be installed in /opt/bitcannon.

You should add a config switch, like `-c/--config `, with a default to `./config.json` then `/etc/bitcannon.json`.

Sorry, I didn't understand the bug you reported. Still, my comment is valid.

BTW, this bug is present if you use a daemon manager like sysvinit or systemd. Cf my proposition.

Hum, OK, unlucky. Maybe document this somewhere?

Can confirm it works on my end too with python 3.9

On the side, I'm doing a project in rust which will eventually be a superset of the features of jc_toolkit. It should be compatibe with mac and linux, though not...

https://github.com/Yamakaky/joy It's very barebone, don't hesitate to open issues if you have questions. Also, I can't manage to pair my joycon on Linux, works fine on windows.