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Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.

Results 175 CuraEngine issues
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Using the experimental Arachne branch, I'm getting warts on the outside of a print that were not present with stable CuraEngine: ![IMG_20210506_200901]( The model in question is hollow, in the...

The attached test piece prints smoothly with CuraEngine 4.x, but with stuttering motion (and corresponding problems with extrustion/surface quality) using Arachne. I'm running Klipper firmware with SCV=10 and acceleration 2000,...

hi, I know that hilbert curves as top/bottom pattern result in an insane amount of printer movements, but the result just looks great. please implement it like slic3r does :)...

Status: Deferred

**Application Version** 4.13.0 **Platform** All **Qt** N/A **PyQt** N/A **Display Driver** N/A **Steps to Reproduce** Slice the included stl with surface mode set as 'Surface' and slice at 0.2 layer...

**Application Version** Cura **Expected results** Layertime should be calculated correct for every layer **Additional Information** If the extruded Material Axis E is reset with a G92 the calculated layertime is...

Type: Bug
Status: Deferred

Pretty much everyone can agree that we would like to be able to edit gcode on the fly (during the print). Pretty much anyone experienced with programming and actual GCode...

Status: Needs Info

Currently the "Spiralize Outer Contour" mode allows seam-less printing (with no infill or holes allowed), but all other modes leave a seam. I propose to combine these modes, so that...

Due to the gready nature of the path planning algorithm, sometimes a small area is skipped untill the end at which time we need a long travel move. It would...


**Application Version** 4.10 of Cura, and `master` of CuraEngine **Platform** Debian 11 **Qt** **PyQt** **Display Driver** **Steps to Reproduce** 1. Start Cura-4.10.AppImage 2. Run `./CuraEngine/build/CuraEngine connect localhost:49674 -v` **Actual Results**...


In Issue #310 I am working on importing cross sections directly into Cura sans 3D triangles. By cross sections, I specifically mean 2D X-Y polygons with holes arranged in Z...
