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Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.

Results 175 CuraEngine issues
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Presently, it's possible to get the following orders with outer walls first: 1. Infill 2. Outer walls 3. Inner walls 4. Skins or: 1. Outer walls 2. Inner walls 3....

I reimplemented the tree support, as the current implementation does not meet my expectations. It is currently work in progress and should not be merged yet. # How the new...

**Application Version** 5.0.0 **Actual Results** When the support walls are calculated [in AreaSupport::generateGradualSupport](, the support areas will be offset by overlap in `Infill::generateWallToolPaths`. This causes the support area (not just...

Don't increase support area by infill overlap. Fixes #1670.

**Application Version** 4.7.1 **Platform** Windows 10 **Steps to Reproduce** Set Support Pattern to "cross" and Support Density to 0% with support enabled. **Actual Results** The slicing never finishes. **Expected results**...

Type: Bug
Status: Deferred

add_library takes and as option after ALIAS the . Let's do it the correct way! (If I get the point of the section correct..)

This is the wrong position in find_package. Components are listed after the REQUIRED statement.

Occurs when compiled in debug mode in the first iteration.

I'd like to suggest setting CodeQL scans for `CuraEngine`. [CodeQL]( is a static-analysis engine that can help with detecting security and other issues. It can be easily run in a...

PR: Community Contribution :crown:
PR: Automation and build :robot:

I was running cura engine in debug mode (compiling with visual studio 2019) and parts were crashing for me in polygons.cpp (polygons::removeSmallAreas). This was due to an iterator being decremented...