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Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.

Results 175 CuraEngine issues
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- Beta Arachne --> Dowload 19.03.2021 --> Windows 10 **Infill Line Multiplier =2 or Infill Line Multiplier=4** --> _Slicing_ --> **CURA hang** Profile --> Default Draft (or Default Fine) Not...

Type: Bug

I have an hopefully interesting idea for cura. Many printers are able to leave the build plate, when moving the print head. So in theory they could print bigger than...

Status: Deferred

When "zig-zaggify infill" is enabled, the structure of where the zags connecting infill lines gets placed depends on the 2D geometry of the layer slice in such a way that...

Status: Deferred

**Application Version** 4.8, latest master, likely any **Platform** Windows or WSL **Steps to Reproduce** Load []( **Actual Results** Bridging causes wrong skin angles: ![image]( **Expected results** Only 45*, -45* alternating...

Type: Bug

**Application Version** 4.8.0 **Actual Results** To enhance bridge's attachments adhesion i **must** raise the `Skin Expand Distance` for the whole project, even if I don't want to actually expand the...

Status: Deferred

If I set up a print that only uses extruder T1 and never uses my T0 extruder at all, the `T1` switch at the beginning of the procedure is preceded...

Type: Bug
Status: Deferred

Or get rid of the slice parameter, without the settings.json (perhaps remove the -s parameter). Or output that every parameter is required with a list of those parameters in the...


4.8 and greater (works on 4.6.x, 4.7.x) Windows (Windows 10 19041.685), Linux (Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS) N/A N/A Linux (Driver Version: 460.27.04 CUDA Version: 11.2) Windows (Driver Version: 457.30 CUDA Version:...

**Application Version** 4.7+ (at least) The incorporation of MESH comments is designed to delineate moves associated with each object on the build plate. Current versions of Cura like to include...

Status: Deferred

Hi, Currently, there is only one variable you can insert for density in Cura. That density parameter is read by the source code as line_distance. I would like to know...

Status: Needs Info