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Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.

Results 175 CuraEngine issues
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For frontend settings, see Feature to automatically generate an interlocking structure at the interface between two models of a different material. Horizontal beams are created around the boundary interface...

In some case `writeInt2mm` reads a char before the start of the buffer. This is mostly harmless as the buffer is on the stack far from protected memory but might...

CuraEngine seems to pick the closest point from the set of vertices to the seam position, which might actually be the furthest point from the requested seam position, e.g. in...

High velocity travel over already-printed material can mar the surface, especially on certain materials like PETG, and high-acceleration travel over it can pass vibrations from the tool motion into not-yet-hardened...

The fix for (commit db248b242d) seems to have caused gaps in the outer wall when printing with a single wall, due to unretracting on top of an inner wall...

**Application Version** 4.10.0 **Platform** Windows 10 I would like to request the addition of improved media style controls for the preview feature of Cura. I would like to first say...

Status: Deferred

Turns out these are way too complicated for any public consumption. See frontend PR:

**Application Version** 4.3.0 **Platform** linux Unrecognized data type in JSON setting, when run curaengine in command line: ----------load json file: /home/hgc/workspace/gerrit/CuraEngine/resources/definitions/creality_cr10.def.json ----------load json file: /home/hgc/workspace/gerrit/CuraEngine/resources/definitions/creality_base.def.json ----------load json file: /home/hgc/workspace/gerrit/CuraEngine/resources/definitions/fdmprinter.def.json ----------load...

Status: Needs Info

**Context** I was doing a very basic usage of CuraEngine 4.13.0, I try to do the same with CuraEngine 5.0.0, I use a json configuration file already included in Cura...

Unlike Cura 4.x, which alternated between lines and part-concentric/part-lines for bottom skin, Arachne is printing entirely with concentric skin fill. This makes it a lot harder to get a water-tight...