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Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.

Results 175 CuraEngine issues
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In my application, I am easily able to generate cross sections of my data. Converting to STL to be sliced again is inefficient and potentially lossy. I have hacked in...


For many files I've sliced, the Skin Edge Support feature results in the exact same infill region being emitted multiple times (possibly with different zig-zaggification). I suspect it's a logic...

**Application Version** 4.9.1 (though I suspect this isn't version specific) **Platform** Fedora 34 **Qt** Not sure how to see this. I'm using the version of Cura in the Fedora repos...

At least as I understand it, CuraEngine presently applies bridge settings to an entire line or skin region that may be partly bridging and partly supported, based on the percentage...

Hi, I've been doing a lot of printing using PETG/ABS where one would usually use soluble supports (e.g. zero z-separation, 100% support interface density). For the most part it works...

Hi guys, I'm developing a desktop app based on Electron and CuarEngine.Now I have some problem while using CuraEngine,in the app, CuraEngine will be packaged as an executable file and...

Status: Needs Info

The maximum travel resolution default of 1 mm causes travel around finely-approximated curved paths to become very coarse, replacing many slight turns with fewer turns at greater angle. On firmware...

Status: Needs Info

Slicing the attached test case generates a tiny spurious move with x,y components -0.003, -0.010 at just past 90° around the circle (and again at just past 270°): ``` G1...


Ok promise my last question, then I will stop spamming. I have a .gcode sliced via curaEngine but unfortunately it does not contain all the values needed for a correct...

After upgrading from 4.8 to 4.9-beta, I find that top/bottom fill that used to print mostly contiguously ("lines" pattern) now gets split up into multiple gratuitously discontiguous parts with travel...

Type: Bug