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Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.

Results 175 CuraEngine issues
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Setting `slicing_tolerance` to `"exclusive"` usually (always? unless `mesh_position_z` < 0?) produces an empty first layer which gets removed. This both prevents `initial_bottom_layers` from getting used correctly, and produces a print...

In narrow regions where width varies such that short loops of inner-wall get produced, the small feature size speed limits get applied to these loops. This makes the print extremely...

I've been wanting to use `cool_min_head` for prints with small layers for a long time, but kept abandoning it due to stringing issues. I finally got around to analyzing the...

Unless the travel speed (including Z axis speed) is extremely high, the hop (lift) and return operation tends to take longer than the target `extruder_plan.extraTime` (often longer than the entire...

**Application Version** 4.13.1 **Platform** Windows 10 **Qt** **PyQt** **Display Driver** N/A **Steps to Reproduce** 1. Place a tall (lower left) and short object (upper right) on the build surface in...

I noticed that currently, at the end of a layer, cura may decide to perform a Z-hop up (the first half of a hop), travel, and then start a new...

I've encountered this in the case where the next layer begins with supports, but it may happen under other conditions too. The bug was introduced in 68b7a9ec36d0a1eba6ac4a5be8165247a1d45003. Fixing it by...

Fuzzing is a well-known testing technique that can help identify security issues such as overflows, use-after-free, etc. I'd like to set up fuzz testing for `CuraEngine` by adding it to...

`small_feature_max_length` operates as a hard cutoff, such that, for example, if it's set to match an 8mm hole or post, an 8.1 mm one would print at full speed but...

Hi, i wonder if it's possible to add the "ooze shield thickness wall" as an option for dual extruders printer. I have a Cr10 Mini modified with a bigtreetech mixing...