The last update for cumulative cases and deaths for Northern Ireland, United Kingdom occurred on May 20, 2022 ([source](https://twitter.com/healthdpt/status/1527653583872729088?s=21&t=B6jlK7qpnib5rG5dhghvoQ)). We have held our data stale since that day. We have...
Hello all, [This commit](https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/commit/d0aba5e30d3f9a13512e07513713e71a7cb775fc) revises our case and death counts for the Netherlands from February 22, 2022 to June 7, 2022. We recently became aware that we had been inflating...
Hello all, Please find below a list of US States that failed to update on the US memorial day holiday (May 30, 2022). Some states that typically update on weekends...
We recently discovered an error in our reporting of asymptomatic cases for China between April 5 to May 30, 2022. We have now corrected for this error and updated the...
North Korea reports its first covid case today (May 11, 2022, [source](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/11/asia/north-korea-covid-omicron-coronavirus-intl-hnk/index.html)). We will add it to our dashboard.
Hello all, North Carolina published a large number of deaths (1,172 total) on May 4, 2022 due to a death certificate review process spanning January 1, 2022 to March 31,...
Hello all, We are excited to announce that we have finally been able to integrate asymptomatic COVID-19 cases into our data for China and back corrected these values to March...
Hello all, With the very generous assistance of the Massachusetts Department of Health, we have been able to deploy a back correction to the Massachusetts data consistent with their new...
Hello all, On March 21, 2022, Chile altered their definition of a COVID-19 death to be more aligned with that method recommended by the World Health Organization. This has removed...
We have updated our reporting for Hong Kong to include probable cases identified via rapid tests ("RAT" on the [Hong Kong Dashboard](https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/index.html)). We have also corrected our historical data using...