Results 54 issues of CSSEGISandData

Hello all, The Government of New Zealand has recently revised their definition of a COVID-19 death as noted [here](https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-data-and-statistics/covid-19-current-cases): "*The Ministry of Health has recently switched its definition of 'deceased'...


Dear all, We were made aware that WHO has continued to update their published COVID-19 data while the national source has gone offline. We have swapped our sourcing to use...


Hello all, Several weeks back, Ontario altered their working definition of a COVID-19 death to: "The methodology used to count COVID-19 deaths has changed to exclude deaths not caused by...


Hello all, Data users may have noted instability in total reported COVID-19 Deaths for the US state of Oklahoma from June 23, 2022 to July 7, 2022. On June 30,...


Hello all, Please see below for a list of US states with altered update schedules due to today's July 4th federal holiday: Alabama: No update July 4 Idaho: No update...


Hello all, We had been made aware that our reporting for Louisiana had not been included reinfection data - this was first reported on January 26, 2022. We have made...


Hello all, The state of Ohio is not publishing new COVID-19 deaths during their updates on June 9 or June 16 (see attached screenshot - [source](https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/dashboards/overview)). As such, there will...


Hello all, Castilla La Mancha, Spain had a decrease of 475 cases on 6/24/2022 due to a correction to their historical time series. Please see note [in this situation report](https://www.sanidad.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov/documentos/Actualizacion_610_COVID-19.pdf)...


Hello all, Please see below for a list of US states that did not update on June 20, 2022 due to the Juneteenth federal holiday. States that were not scheduled...


Hello all, Due to a change in the definition used by New Jersey to calculate "Total PCR Tests Reported", we anticipate a spike in the metric Total_test_results in the [US...
