Szabolcs Hubai

Results 188 comments of Szabolcs Hubai

> With a trivial change to ... The problem was around `equals`: ``` Compilation error (In {module:openseedbox}/app/controllers/ around line 100) The file {module:openseedbox}/app/controllers/ could not be compiled. Error raised is...

> Nice catch! ... openseedbox/openseedbox-common@53860f6 :ok_hand: (Docker images not yet updated.)

> For the record: **Play! 1.5.0** doesn't play well with **Java 9.0.4** ... > `play.exceptions.ContinuationsException: ... The following class is not enhanced: jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl` I got the very same exception with...

> I got the very same exception with **Play! 1.4.6** and **Java 11** while `play test`: :grinning: Play! 1.5.3: ``` INFO: Ebean Version[2.7.4] Java Version[11.0.16] ~ 4 tests to run:...

> use (an even older :sweat_smile:) Ebean instead? :smiley: Sure! :upside_down_face: I did my first step to upgrade it: lyubo/play-ebean#3

> So we can finally get rid of Siena and use (an even older sweat_smile) Ebean instead? smiley It won't be so easy! :see_no_evil: ``` $ play run --%prod ~...

Also for nginx extensions, e.g. ``

Contributions are welcome!

[Golang Docker HEALTHCHECK]( would be a nice thing, but the result `healtcheck` binary's size is 5630729 bytes. :confused:

The `+curl`, `+jq` and `` modification has 3 MB extra (on `amd64`, its ~7 MB on `arm64`). :thinking: ``` $ docker images openseedbox/tomcat:* REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE openseedbox/tomcat...