Szabolcs Hubai

Results 188 comments of Szabolcs Hubai

@db4rne , it would be nice to include it in [OpenWrt Packages]( repo. I think, this PR is ready to use.

Upgrading to Debian Bookworm increased the image by 20 MB, instantly. :roll_eyes: ``` $ docker image ls openseedbox/tomcat:* REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE openseedbox/tomcat dockerfile 640833589aea 2 minutes ago...

Meh. So a simple `sed -e 's/^libssl3$/libssl1.1/' "$TOMCAT_NATIVE_LIBDIR/.dependencies.txt"` wouldn't help anyway? Yup, it doesn't help: ` configtest` fails.

``` Step 18/33 : RUN set -eux; nativeLines="$( configtest 2>&1)"; nativeLines="$(echo "$nativeLines" | grep 'Apache Tomcat Native')"; nativeLines="$(echo "$nativeLines" | sort -u)"; if ! echo "$nativeLines" | grep -E 'INFO:...

I'll solve this problem by dropping OpenSSL support ...: the published versions should be used behind a reverse proxy anyway. ``` $ docker images openseedbox/tomcat:* REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED...

Another workaround is to use `jenkins/inbound-agent:4.9-1`. That [old version]( works nicely with empty "Remote File System Root" value.

#867 points to the real cause of this.

Does it work without the `KERNEL := ...` line? The `$(Device/uimage-lzma-loader)` line isn't enough?

Do you have serial access to your device? With that, you could easily verify that the `$(Device/uimage-lzma-loader)` addition is works or not. If it not used, then the log is...

No dictionary magic is needed for that `uimage-lzma-loader`! See commit 1e5d014ba237cf47092c41cf3657ec64d3b99b41. Could you post serial log about boot? I think ` KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma -d16 |...