Szabolcs Hubai

Results 188 comments of Szabolcs Hubai

@gregorkistler, you did one step of separation some time ago (#43). What do you think about this? Would you like to do some experiment? IMHO * (nginx) separation is needed,...

FYI: * Docker [upgrade is supported]( by Travis CI * there are [``]( scripts for static nginx :+1: * or even a portable version: [moezzie/nginx-portable]( :+1:

Multi-stage builds are used in #82. "distroless" images, Google Jib, native packaging and related things would be done when the project gets converted to Gradle.

Improvements (as PRs to my fork) are welcome! Especially for the UI section! 🙈

This is what I'm looking for:

@Snuupy, please test! And please try implementing [user profile pictures in Keycloak](! :+1:

No need to hurry! I'll cleanup the commits and continue with GitHub and Google in the next days!

Note to self: [Extending classes using Builder pattern]( > You can solve your problem with generics, although it does require creation of an abstract superclass. Lurking on this site has...

GitHub [authentication](

I use my instance as self-hosted, and use my Google account as authentication. And I'm OK with that. :wink: But sure, another auth provider (implementation) would add some value! Pull...