Szabolcs Hubai

Results 188 comments of Szabolcs Hubai

Labeled. :) Feel free to post your fixes once you are done! 👍

I have interesting news. I have the following findings after playing with the [sienatest]( sample app: * the __Siena DDL Generator__ doesn't like the long table names under PostgreSQL: *...

[EBean]( looks promising! After a little configuration in `conf/` and annotating the `User` entity, it starts and works without problem even with such an old EBean! Log: ``` ~ _...

For the record: **Play! 1.5.0** doesn't play well with **Java 9.0.4** see ``` ~ _ _ ~ _ __ | | __ _ _ _| | ~ | '_...

This is not the answer which I am searching for: **[ebean run ddl only if the database does not exist](**

FYI: [[1.5.0] Upgrade notes from 1.4.x or lower](!topic/play-framework/iLq6oPqkheE)

> Sorry, but how about `wontfix`ing this? > > I do not want to spend my time on Play! 1.x compatibility too much. Some improvement should be done to `openseedbox`...

> This also reduces the image size compared to Java 8 by up to 65 MB depending on the architecture. I'm surely missing something, but on `amd64` I got the...

> The backend on the other side looks good so far running with 1.5.0. For the record: With a trivial change to `openseedbox-common:app/controllers/BaseController` **backend** ~works~ starts with **Play! 1.7.1** and...