Szabolcs Hubai

Results 188 comments of Szabolcs Hubai

![image]( It works! :rofl:

With the help of [`play.libs.OAuth2`]( library I'm creating a simple OIDC helper library. With that, I'd like to avoid using client JS adapters, like [`keycloak.js`]( Like in the Facebook [sample...

Work in progress pictures! :grinning: ![image]( ![image](

:grinning: ![image]( ```sql 21:55:48 db: postgres@openseedbox, pid:52 =# select * from users; id │ email_address │ open_id │ is_admin │ avatar_url │ display_name │ last_access │ api_key │ plan_id │...

:see_no_evil: ![image]( :woman_shrugging: ![image](

Meh. :confused: That warning can occur for anyone who doesn't expose his/her e-mail address in the "public profile" [setttings]( > ![image](

Now it looks nice! ![image](

And this looks even nicer! :upside_down_face: ![image]( (I edited my name to my username :wink:)

You already answered your question. :trollface: **It doesn't work.** May I close this issue? _Please rephrase the title if you would welcome fixing email notification! ;)_

Hmmm, I will give a try to fix it.