Szabolcs Hubai

Results 188 comments of Szabolcs Hubai

Email notification (and those `Node` checks you mentioned) was last used by [``]( which was removed long time ago. It is also used by some test method in [`controllers/Main`](

I'm unsure about Wiki. What do you think about the homepage as a target? Check @maryclare's [homepage](! It has navigation on the left. And the content is written in markdown,...

Ohh, there is a `minimal` based [Github Page theme](! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

> If okay for you I will ... It's okay now! ๐Ÿ˜… Please do! ๐Ÿ™

> Will give it a try tonight or tomorrow. Ummmm ... It doesn't know a lot! It doesn't know anything! :grinning:

> Are there any other changes necessary to get it to work? :sweat_smile: > `` > Any hints? :slightly_smiling_face: Yup! I need more beer and pรกlinka! :grinning: This is just...

> I like the idea to have a choice which torrent client to use. I like it too, but I'm unsure how to deploy it (in containerized environment). Should I...

At first sight it wouldn't be as easy as it was last time (in commit 52b30c9fc29ce59aec09d7e965551344582045b9). :confused:

Sorry, but how about `wontfix`ing this? I do not want to spend my time on Play! 1.x compatibility too much. Some improvement should be done to `openseedbox` like #59, #60...

Contributions are welcome! ๐Ÿ‘