Vladimir Ermakov

Results 268 comments of Vladimir Ermakov

What version do you use? Try to build current ros2 branch, as it might have some important fixes. TF error shouldn't affect takeoff, firmware do not aware about tf (but...

@Mark-Beaty please note that new python library may hide some interactions with rclpy: https://github.com/mavlink/mavros/blob/ros2/mavros/mavros/__init__.py#L17 - mavros.Client (node class) provides interfaces to params, missions and others. It's used by `mav` script....

Also note that plugin allow and deny lists only needed for UAS node (by default = `/mavros`).

`mavros_node` - is a container that runs Router and UAS nodes so it acts more like mavros_node from ROS1. All the plugins now runs inside UAS as a subnode. So...

1) They are not ported yet #1747 2) Those plugins mostly the same as on v1 3) If someone will write them...

@esharet mavros doesn't have plugin that checks for heartbeats from the ground station. Plugin `sys_status` has a SystemAndOk filter on HEARTBEAT handler, so it'll filter any other sources. You may...

Still doesn't look like it have GCS HEARTBEATs. Please look at router logs, there should be lines like that: ``` [mavros_router]: link[1002] detected remote address 1.191 ``` Also try to...

Good. I'm closing, feel free to reopen.

https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pull/34088 https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pull/34087 https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pull/34086

Second part, after @, is a remote address, so it should be like that: `udp://:14555@:14550`. `/mavlink/to` will be silent if you don't use gcs_proxy node. Plugins directly talks to fcu...