Vladimir Ermakov

Results 268 comments of Vladimir Ermakov

Did you use different interface to upload mission than mavros uses? Mission protocol does not broadcast changes. Plugin may catch mission messages directed to gcs and schedule a pull only...

Mavros works with MAVLink, not uORB. If the message traffic between GCS and FCU comes trough mavros, it's possible to detect mission update. Otherwise you cannot get any signal that...

If you connect SiK to the OBC and let gcs_url to proxy your telemetry, you'll be able to catch list update. But at the same time, that setup less fault...

Looks like i forgot to add some dependency to extras package. Seems it's for `tf2_ros::fromMsg()`. Could you please use source install? ROS2 port still alpha, and more importantly we still...

@smokranova i've checked cmake, dependencies are set. Will try to reproduce later today.

Probably easiest solution: 1. run rosinstall_generator 2. manually edit `version` tag. See for example https://github.com/mavlink/mavros/blob/master/dependencies.rosinstall

Did you try to edit version in the yaml file before calling wstool?

Wstool searches for branch and tags, so `version: 0.29.2` i think should work. But you also need older version of mavlink.

As i remember you cannot control at the same time position and velocity (or attitude?), in any case i suppose easier to use setpoint_raw for prototyping. Then check your autopilot...