Vladimir Ermakov

Results 268 comments of Vladimir Ermakov

Mavros has ability to load a plugin modules, which does translation logic, like publish/subscribe ros topics, send/receive mavlink messages etc. `mount_control.cpp` - one of plugins shipped with mavros, but you...

It should be possible to load a plugin from 3-rd party plugin library. Extras may be used as an example.

If you don't know msg ID, you won't be able to decode the message. Could you please give overview on what you're trying to get. Maybe i can suggest some...

I'm unsure if ROS provides any packages for Raspbian. Perhaps you would have to source install mavros. What instructions do you follow?

Also you can move limit init to custom diag class.

> Will that not create a bunch independent of limits per ESC? Not necessary to use different names. E.g. ``` struct Limits { double min_x; explicit Limits(ros::NodeHandle &pnh) { pnh.param("min_x",...

@amilcarlucas could you please post gcc error here?

Add `void run(diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &stat) override {}` to ESCDiag class.

What version of python do you use? For f-strings you need >= 3.6.

`cog` and `cog.py` should be the same. Perhaps you somehow has `cog` to be run by python2?