Emmanuel Leblond

Results 166 comments of Emmanuel Leblond

> Can we add an optional subdirectory inside the repository to be the root of the download? It wouldn't be useful given this means the user had to download the...

> Are you sure? this thread seems to imply there is a way It seems to me that git internals make it impossible for doing such a thing. However there...

I like nursery > And the other is, I realized that the name is actually a bit less apropos since #375 landed and we tweaked the nursery semantics. I think...

Also it would be good to document the default values for the various limits in the documentation, cf. https://github.com/pgjones/hypercorn/blob/8cef567301a5a3f4363d1c2cad76008e58add8aa/src/hypercorn/config.py#L75-L78 Would you accept a PR on this ?

> The contract that you probably care about as a consumer of IFoo is that do_async returns an awaitable, but it's perfectly possible to write a non-async function that returns...

my 2c : this is also problematic for long running tests. I'm using [hypothesis](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) which does property testing: a single test is run many times against randomly generated data. This...

Sorry for delay I'm ok for a warning in the documentation ;-)

That's a good idea, beside this doesn't seems like something hard to add : Just create a new `ByteField` which would mimic [marshmallow's `String`](https://github.com/marshmallow-code/marshmallow/blob/dev/marshmallow/fields.py#L554) but with a check on `byte`...

Bytes is a valid bson type (named [Binary data](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/bson-types/) in mongodb types) Beside, it seems pymongo does the convertion `bytes Binary data` by itself: ``` python >>> hello = 'héllo'...

I think we should not try to do any string encode/decode inside umongo. This should be the user responsibility to provide `bytes` given there is too much suppositions on his...