
Results 975 comments of stuartmorgan

Resolved conflicts so that the full Android tests will re-run in CI.

Ah, it's flaky, which is why it passed presubmit this time. It's a different failure though, so hopefully that's progress? ``` java.lang.IllegalStateException: CameraDevice was already closed FATAL EXCEPTION: CameraBackground Process:... will revert Android. I left the iOS part since there's no reason to keep reverting and re-landing that.

Unfortunately I don't think there's any way for me to change visibility (we're working on resolving the general access issue here), but here's the specific file:

> I think the tool let you down here and updated a bunch more that what it needed to. It's really easy to have the wrong base revision; I still...

> Can you add the label "override: no versioning needed" If you agree this pr meets the exemption requirements. Just updating the compile SDK definitely seems like the kind of...

> * java dispose is triggered and finished firstly, before java loadUrl is run How would this happen? The messages are being handled on a single thread, and my understanding...

> @stuartmorgan The fact is: > > > When using WebView, even just the simplest usage WebView(initialUrl: ...), an NPE happens sometimes. What is the repro case for this? If...

> `pub publish --dry-run` doesn't do anything when there's no version change It turns out it's our tooling, not `pub publish`, that is bypassing the checks.

Sounds like we have a race where we are trying to display a platform view that has been destroyed. We'll need to either ensure the race can't happen, or leave...