
Results 975 comments of stuartmorgan

webview_flutter v4 has finally been completed, which included fixing the platform interface to that we can make additions to it without breaking changes. That means that this is finally unblocked!...

@dotcink Are you still planning on updating this for compatibility with v4?

(Marking this as a Draft pending that update.)

We've just completed the migration of the plugin code to the flutter/packages repository, as described in, and this repository is now being archived. Unfortunately that means that all in-progress...

@faisalmushtaq007 Please don't spam people with pings.

We'll need to revert this; the new Android integration test is failing. See for details. I should have pushed a trivial change to this PR to trigger the Android...

> which I can fix, but I think it's unlikely it will solve the problem you posted. Applying the fix locally, all tests are then green. Could you post a...

We can probably land this after the next stable roll, since at that point newer projects (than use our managed version) will have 33 by default.

@AngeloAvv Are you still planning on updating this based on the comments above?

We've just completed the migration of the plugin code to the flutter/packages repository, as described in, and this repository is now being archived. Unfortunately that means that all in-progress...